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Step 1:
Click the button below to register your team of 5. Ensure accurate spelling so you can be contacted through Microsoft Teams.
Participant Information:
Teams of 5
Choose an awesome team name
Best team costumes win a prize!
This is a timed event, time will stop when all members cross the finish line and ring the bell.
The top fundraising teams get to compete in Tuff Wally.
Waiver forms must be signed and handed in to the office by May 29th.
All participants must attend an informational meeting on May 29th at lunch in the New Gym
Step 2:
Each member of your team must fill in a waiver package. Ensure you and your parent/guardian has signed it. Printed copies are available at the office or download one using the links below. Hand in at the office anytime or bring to participant meeting on May 29th at lunch in the New Gym.
Step 3:
See fundraising page for instructions.
Step 4:
Attend participant meeting May 29th at lunch in the New Gym.
Step 5:
Get costumes ready.
Step 6:
Enter fundraising totals on the night before Tuff Wally (June 3rd). This helps us in determining how much we have raised so far and it goes towards the Tuff Wally championship.

Please enter your team's total fundraising using the appropriate link below. Due date: June 3rd

Step 7:
Do Tuff Wally!
The race involves a short run around the school and then a series of 15 obstacles with the final obstacle being our giant wall. Be warned that you may get dirty or wet doing the obstacles so bring a change of clothes. Please wear appropriate footwear.
2024 Team Start Times

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